Tag Archives: Bike Tours

Biking the Texas Blues!

Yes … we are seeing the Texas Blues! Molly and I are bicycle touring through Texas, the Ozarks, and finally finishing up along the Missouri River. Right now we are working our way through the Texas Hill Country, and singing the Texas Blues! The birds are fantastic, but they are just one part of the “blues” for this is Blue Bonnet season. The roadsides are an explosion of color from all the different wildflowers, but particularly Texas Blue Bonnets. Over the past five days we have cycled 231 miles … here is our tale of blue! (see images).

If you would like to read more about are actual bike touring experience which will see us ride 1,500+ miles following the spring north, follow these links:

This image screams Texas! A Longhorn in Blue Bonnets.


A Peacock we saw on the roof a rural farm building



Biking through Blue Bonnets Bonnets


Willow City Loop Vista (no city for miles … strange name!)


Another Willow City Loop VistaVista


Texas Bluebird


Crested Caracara (also known as the Mexican Eagle)


Into every life, some rain must fall!


Our route through today


Spring North Bike Tour: The Texas Eagle & Friends!

This is the second bike tour where we have used Amtrak to help us bicycle routes in one direction. Both Molly and I have become Amtrak converts. While one gets to a destination slower than on an airplane, the process and staff are most enjoyable. For this trip we rode the Texas Eagle from St. Louis to Dallas. The train’s full route is from Chicago to San Antonio. Our big change this time was to get a sleeper. Given we were on the train from 8 pm till noon on the following day, we decided sleeping in a bed as opposed to sitting up was preferable. Surprisingly the cost was very reasonable. Instead of paying $200 for the two of us, our trip now cost $365 in total. The additional $165 netted us beds with fresh clean linen and meals included (dinner and breakfast). Finally, Amtrak charged only $20 for the bikes, and unlike the airlines, the bikes and boxes themselves were well treated during the cargo handling process.

Our time in St. Louis was fun some birding time in a park just outside of town. Having never seen a red-headed woodpecker in my life, it was neat to find this “woody woodpecker” snacking on wild hickory nuts for an afternoon snack. Euell Gibbons of Grapenuts fame would have been pleaseD. Also saw a flock a blue teals taking a rest on their migration north.

We start our bike tour on Monday after spending Easter Weekend with my brother-in-law and his wife. Finally, saw our first Texas Bluebonnets today!

My Lifer! A Red-Headed WoodpeckerWoodpecker



The Blue Winged Teals


Molly getting on the Texas Eagle!


Spring North Bike Tour … Working our way South! (Apr. 1-3)

Molly and I are working our way south to start our bike tour. We will reach our starting point southwest of Dallas soon and start our 1,500 to 2,000 mile self-supported bicycle tour by swinging farther south by bike to the Texas Hill Country. During our travels southward I am taking a few training bike rides. These two birds were photographed along the Luce Line Trail in Minnesota.

I just discovered that a well known birder / ornithologist will be starting a similar trip to ours in a few days, but using a car and camping. Bruce Beehler will follow spring north over the course of 100 days while chasing the bird migration up the Mississippi River. It will be fun to learn what he sees via car vs Molly and me on bicycles. His efforts may be followed via the American Bird Conservancy at http://www.abcbirds.org/nwts/index.html

My trip diary may be found via this URL:

Red-Tailed Hawk


Challenging One’s Own Reflection!
