Tag Archives: MN North: Canal Park

Day 361: Visitors from Up North

Hard to believe … on Thursday one year of photographing birds will be done, but for the moment the pressure is still on! Today I first went to Canal Park at the entrance to the Duluth Harbor and had fun watching the two Northern Pintails and five million mallards. Pintails are rare in the Duluth area, and with the shipping season closing on Monday or Tuesday, the canal will freeze up quickly and make for very few ducks.

Originally I had not planned on going out birding again today, but given my wife was out of town, I decided to head up to the Duluth airport just before sunset in search of snowy owls. Jackpot! I will have to return for an evening with decent light and watch this snowy hunt.

Northern Pintail


Duluth Airport Snowy Owl (I think I’m being watched!)


Day 359: Spruce Grouse!

Fourth time’s a charm! This was my fourth trip north of Two Harbors to the Greenwood Lake / Sand River to see a Spruce Grouse. Success was finally achieved. It was all the more special as this bird was a “never seen in my life” experience for me!

After taking some time out at home, I eventually headed down to Canal Park. I decided I wanted to see the Northern Pintails that had been hanging around the waterfront. All in all, it was a great day of birding!

Spruce Grouse359-Birds-365-Spruce-Grouse-3 359-Birds-365-Spruce-Grouse-2


Northern Pintails

Days 348 to 350: Frozen Fingers Photography!

Each morning for the past few days the weather has dawned with temperatures of -10F and worse (plus 20 to 30 mph winds for even worse chill factors). Birding has been tough, both of me and the birds. I still try to get out shortly after sunrise as birds are most active right after the long cold nights as they search for feed to replace energy expended keeping themselves warm. Thus, here are a few photos from the last three days where I braved the elements, and often got extremely cold … finger hurting cold.

For the last photo, I can not resist …

Would you like to swing on a star,
Carry moonbeams home in a jar?
Or would you rather be a duck?

My apologies to Bing Crosby … here is the classic tune.

Day 348: White-Breasted Nuthatch


Day 349: Blue Jay



Day 350: Goldeneye during an “Alberta Clipper