Tag Archives: MN North: Canal Park

Days 325 & 326: Fogbound Photos!

For the past week the weather in northern Minnesota has been gloomy, and for the past two days foggy and wet. At times one could not see much more than 50 yards. This makes for horrible photographic conditions. However, if God gives you lemons, make lemonade!

I hope you enjoy the photos I took during the fog. In adversity one finds success!

Day 325: A visit to the Duluth waterfront!

The crows in this picture are framed against Duluth’s Aerial Bridge. In addition, I hope you enjoy the freighter in the fog photos. Many of them have “birds” in the photos!
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Day 326: Hunting in the Rain! (immature red-tailed hawk)326-Birds-365-Wet-Red-Tailed-Hawk

Day 318: Unexpected Pleasures: Harlequin Duck

Originally I went over to Superior this morning to see if I might capture my friendly neighborhood snowy owl against the sunrise. When that bird failed to show, I decided to stop by Canal Park and take in the early morning sights. A Laker was passing under the Aerial Bridge, and even though I am a native Duluthian, I never tire of that sight!

Before leaving I decided to take a quick peak at the flock of mallards swimming outside the breakwater. Almost turning to leave I realized one of the ducks was no mallard! In fact, I had no idea what kind of duck was swimming with the flock, except it looked unusual. Not until I returned home and did some research did I realize I had spotted a rare bird for these parts, a Harlequin Duck. I guess I have to thank Mr. Snowy for not showing up this morning! LOL!

Two Photos of the Harlequin Duck
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The Laker that attracted my to Canal Park this morning

Days 304 & 305: Storm Birds

Even though it is not yet even Thanksgiving, winter storms continue to roll through Northern Minnesota. The past two days (November 23 and 24) saw heavy snow and winds gusting above 30 mph. Conditions of this type make bird photography a challenge!

Day 304: Herring Gulls at Rest in Canal Park & Tug Boat Christmas
304-Birds-365-Gulls-At-Rest 304-Birds-365-Tug-Boat-Christmas


Day 305: Black Capped Chickadee