Tag Archives: MN North: Canal Park

Day 297 and 298: The Ducks of Duluth

Now that all the inland lakes and rivers are iced over, the Duluth harbor is seeing more duck activity. As you can see from both photos, the waterfront is both a beautiful but cold place to hang out!

Day 297: Sunrise Mallards (with a waterspout and sea smoke)
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Day 298: Common Goldeneye amongst the ice flows.

Day 203: Waxwings on the Rocks!

As I noted yesterday, it is fun to have sunrise at a slightly later hour. It’s now possible to head outside to enjoy the early morning activity without having to get up before 5 am! I had noticed yesterday that the Cedar Waxwings often come down onto the rocks in the early morning … thus today’s photos.

I also enjoyed photographing an old laker (the Alpena) as she entered the Duluth harbor at sunrise.

Brighton Beach Cedar Waxings
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The Lake Freighter, Alpena
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