Tag Archives: MN North: Canal Park

Day 052: Jackpot at Dawn! Great Gray Owl

Some of my friends wonder why I get up before dawn and brave the cold (+7F this morning). This sequence of three photos explains it all. The time before dawn and the golden hour are peaceful, serene and beautiful. Today I was rewarded with the experience of watching and photographing an extremely rare bird, the Great Gray Owl. At times I was only 20 feet away his perch where the bird was resting after a busy night hunting. I am truly blessed to spend this time with God’s creations.

SS Meteor (30 minutes before dawn)

Goldeneyes on the Hunt
(10 minutes after sunrise)

Great Gray Owl
(one hour after sunrise)
This post has now been updated to include two photos I took at sunset and then moonrise. The Great Grey Owl is my new best friend!

Sunset Owl

Moonrise Owl

Day 048: Performing Goldeneyes!

Yesterday with the exception of one lone goldeneye, only the mallards had rediscovered that the Coast Guard Cutter Alder had broken the ice in the Duluth Ship Canal. Today the goldeneyes moved in, and they put on a stellar performance. I had hoped this might be the case, and had held off doing any bird photography this morning in hopes both the sun would come out, and the ducks would perform. I was lucky on all counts. Enjoy all the photo sequences. Burst mode photography is a wonderful asset.

Flapping Wing

Diving Sequence #1
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Courtship: Two’s Company … Three’s a Crowd!

Shake, Rattle and Roll
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Diving Sequence #2
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Day 047: Coast Guard Mallards

We’re home in Duluth! Better yet, there are signs of Spring. This morning around 10:00 a.m. the US Coast Guard cutter made its first trip out into the lake, and broke ice through the canal. Within three hours the duck population that had been wintering miles away in some open water discovered the canal was open. This means excitement if you are a duck, and the sides and bottom of the canal provide good eating opportunities. This photo was taken at 1 pm, and mallards and a few golden eyes were arriving in droves.
