Tag Archives: MN North: Duluth Harbor

Bird Apps and the American Golden Plover

Yesterday afternoon I spent some time down on the Duluth waterfront. Although the number of shorebirds was not huge, the mud flats produced in species number what they did not produce in sheer numbers. However, I continue to have difficulty identifying shorebirds which I only see every year or so during their migration from the Arctic down to the Caribbean or South America.

Thankfully some friends were over for dinner, and Pastor Greg helped me with my American Golden Plover ID. Shorebirds, like many bird species, are difficult to identify. During the fall migration these birds are often not in their breeding plumage, and the female and juveniles are sporting feathers that never look like the males. In short, it’s difficult. Greg used his Sibley App on his iPhone. Although I had spent significant time on my own app, iBird, I had not been able to make a certain identification.

My frustration led me to spend time this morning in reevaluating bird apps. While I like iBird for its excellent photos, bird facts and recorded songs, if the bird I am seeking to identify is not a male in breeding plumage, iBird falls short.  For the present I hae started using Peterson’s Field Guide. As of this morning, this app is an addition to my smartphone and tablet. While its photographs and facts are not as extensive at iBird’s, in terms of making initial ID’s this app works well. Peterson’s allows one to easily page between screens of similar birds (like shorebirds), and view drawings with key features pointed out not only of males in breeding plumage, but also of females and juveniles with their unique feather schemes.

I have included three screenshots from each app in the order I found and moved to information on the American Golden Plover. I used the same process later to ID a Red Knot in winter plumage and a Stilt Sandpiper. The combination of using both apps in tandem is working very well for me.

Peterson’s Field Guide (Android App): Notice how birds are not only grouped together, but more than just the male in breeding plumage is included.


iBird (Android App): The app only showed my the male bird in breeding plumage until I selected the American Golden Plover. Thus, I needed to have some inkling at what I was viewing, even though feather patterns were very different. Once I made the bird selection, the photographs, facts and sounds far exceed Peterson’s.


American Golden Plover

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Red Knot (backgound) and Stilt Sandpiper (foregound)


Waterfront Happenings!

Was fun getting back to Duluth, and finally having some time to get out with my camera. Before heading down to Canal Park yesterday evening, I even had a few moments to hang out in the garden with my favorite ruby-throated hummingbirds. The individual pictured was very aggressive, often driving off up to two other hummingbirds from the garden at once!

My reason for the trip down to the waterfront at sunset was to watch our last tall ship leave Duluth. The El Galeon Andalucia’s (Spanish Galleon) was in her majesty as she sailed out onto Lake Superior.

This morning the fantastic weather necessitate another trip down to the waterfront, and at the abandoned pier near Grassy Point I found snadpipers taking a rest from their long migration and filling up the tank.

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Feeding on Bee Balm

The El Galeon Andalucia Leaving Duluth

Morning “Piper”

Mud Flat Candy

Find mud flats with deeper water near by that recharges the flats and you have found bird candy! This morning I hiked into some of my favorite mud flats adjacent to the Duluth harbor. The mud flats did not disappoint. In addition to taking the photo shown below of a Great Egret (rare for Northeastern Minnesota), the shorebirds migrating through from the Arctic were happily feeding. Just a few yards from the shore thistle and other goodies were keeping the finches happy.

Actually, I would not have even found the shorebirds initially if a Marsh Hawk had not flushed them while hunting. The hawk also found the mud flats provided candy!

Ten yards from the mud flats, thistle was perfect candy for this Goldfinch!
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A White Egret preferred minnows!

Shorebirds also found breakfast.