Tag Archives: MN North: Duluth Harbor

Spotted Sandpiper!

Sometimes a bird poses in the perfect location, waits for you to capture a good photograph, but not very often! Today, was one of those days when a bird seemed to want its picture taken. I found some Spotted Sandpipers on the Duluth waterfront, and was amazed how long one bird held its position such that I could really optimize my camera settings on a lower light morning. In addition, this sandpiper posed on top of a rock with some yellow flowers in the background. Wish all days were like today!

For those of you who know where the abandoned pier is located directly across from the C. Reiss Coal Company. I think the sandpiper has a nest near the closed off road to the pier which is immediately to the west.

Spotted Sandpiper Chirping

Spotted Sandpiper Still Images
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Goldeneye Love!

You should be an adult before you look at these Goldeneye photos! These ducks normally spook oh so easily, but when love it on there mind, while still a ways off … I was able to watch! In addition, the wind stopped blowing out of the Northeast and very gently came out of the Southeast. The end result was for the first time in my life, I found a Killdeer in March. Click on any image to view at full size.

Goldeneye Love
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March Killdeer

Outbound / Inbound!

Last night I photographed the Michipicoten as she steamed into the Duluth Harbor under the High Bridge. When I work up at 5 am this morning, I said: “Self, doesn’t an ore boat take about ten hours to load with taconite pellets?” Realizing the answer was yes I rushed down to the Duluth Waterfront and caught the Michipicoten as she sailed out of Duluth at sunrise!

Wait! Isn’t this a birding blog? Realizing I was already down at the waterfront I drove upstream along the St. Louis River to a parking spot which would allow me to hike the Western Waterfront Trail. Although the weatherman had promised us southerly winds today, Lake Superior had other ideas. Winds out of the Northeast meant no new arrivals in terms of the bird migration. All was not lost, the birds that are here are still pretty cool. Thus, I bring you the pride of the Western Waterfront Trail! (hint … the Michipicoten was Outbound, while the birds are Inbound from the South)

Looking for Love … Red-Winged Blackbird


An Uncommon Common Redpoll
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The Outbound Michipicoten

Steaming Under the High Bridge | Making the Big Turn | Leaving Canal Park
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