Tag Archives: MN North: Duluth Harbor

Dreaming of a White Snowy Owl Christmas!

Over the last 24 hours since about 4 pm yesterday afternoon, I have seen four unique Snowy Owls! I know they are different owls due to the distances and colors of the each bird’s plumage. I ended my Snowy Christmas around 10 am this morning with a super white male … a truly “White Christmas Owl”!

Snowy Owl #1

Snowy Owl #2

Snowy Owl #3

I did not photograph Snowy #4. It was far, far away.

For those of you who like to follow these owls, make certain you subscribe to Project Snowstorms’ blog posts. They are one of the top owl research organizations in North America. I particularly enjoyed reading about “Fond du Lac” (a named Snowy). This owl nested north of Hudson’s Bay, but migrated down Hudson’s Bay, ultimately to Isle Royale and across Lake Superior to the Upper Peninsula. It is still migrating further south.

Birds on Ice

Contrary to popular belief I very much enjoy watching birds other than owls! Yesterday was just such a morning as I captured “Birds on Ice!”. This new ice performance drama is brought to you every winter wherever food may be found. Unlike summer when birds disperse for nesting purposes, in the winter birds flock together and rarely fly far from a good food source. Todays food sources are:

  • Common Redpolls (visiting a thicket of loaded berry trees in the Canosia Wildlife Area): These little guys are all across the Northland, and as natural foods are consumed everyone should start to see them visiting feeders later this winter.
  • Mallards (all quacked up over a great joke): These wild ducks know that the domestic geese at the Forest Hill Cemetery get served corn. What’s good for the goose, is good for the ducks.
  • Mourning Doves (near my own bird feeders): I never used to think of these doves as a winter bird, but each year I have 10+ that winter in my own yard. They eat a Hoeg’s Cafe every morning, and hide from the bitter winds in the thicks pines and cedar trees.

Finally, while driving home from my late afternoon / early evening Snowy Owl experience, I realize the same calm winds and mild temperatures would make for a great night on the Duluth waterfront! The Federal Clyde, sailing under the colors of the Marshall Islands, loads its latest cargo about 9 pm last night.


Migration Surprises

Don’t like the weather in northeast Minnesota, just wait a few hours and Lake Superior will throw something different at you. In the past three days we have had 1. cold (38F at sunrise), wet foggy conditions 2. hot warm (85F) and sunny with 25 mph winds out of the southwest 3. finally this morning a strong NW wind and temperatures at 46F. All this weather actually makes for neat bird migration activity if you understand the weather’s implications. The fog and NE winds yielded a warbler fallout. The strong winds out of the SW pushed migrants against Lake Superior as the birds tried to ride the wind north.

Yesterday I had fun viewing two bird species which normally do not grace our area, even during migration … an Orchard Oriole and an American Avocet. Here are a few of my pics:

American Avocet

Orchard Oriole (immature male)