Tag Archives: MN North: Duluth

Wind Blown Snowy Owl!

For the past few days it has been cold and windy, very windy. My successes at finding owls, particularly Snowy Owls has been poor till late yesterday afternoon.  First one needs to understand that Snowy Owls are birds of the open tundra with nary a tree for hundreds and hundreds of miles. These birds hunt by sight. Thus, a Snowy likes to find spots to perch for hunting where they can seen vast open spaces. However, when the wind makes not being blown off those kind of perches difficult, birds adapt.

I finally found Lady again last night. Watch the video embedded below (link for email subscribers). She is having a devil of a time holding on to her perch. She finally gave up and flew to a nearby neighborhood where she disappeared. However, as she dove from view I thought about those words … “she dove from view”. I wondered if this owl was escaping from the open areas and now hunting in a residential area … hunting from roof tops where she was shielded from the wind. The answer was a resounding “yes”. Over the course of the next fifteen minutes along with a few friends we not only repeatedly refound Lady as she worked along the roofs of various homes, but we quickly also found another Snowy Owl. I learned my lesson … if the winds are 20 mph or higher look for Snowies is unusually but protected areas. Lady needed to hunt as the weather has been cold (-23F at sunrise yesterday morning). Birds burn calories much faster keeping warm on these types of days.

Lady Trying to Hunt from an Open Pole (failed)

Lady the Snowy Owl

A Northern Shrike which did NOT like having the owl in the neighborhood. It was screaming up a racket.

Christmas at Glensheen

In the early 1900’s Duluth was home to one of the largest concentrations per capita of millionaires in the United States. Between the Mining, Railroad and Lumber Barons, this town was a hopping place where fortunes were made (and occasionally lost!). On the shores of Lake Superior in Duluth you will find the mansion of one of these magnates, Glensheen (now owned by the University of Minnesota Duluth). Chester Congdon was the owner of this beautiful home on the shores of Lake Superior. A small creek, Tischer Creek, runs through the estate grounds, but as a boy growing up in Duluth I only knew the stream by its local name, Congdon Creek.

While everyone from out of town seems to know about Duluth’s HUGE harbor front holiday lights display named Bentleyville, Glensheen now hosts an equally impressive Christmas display including Park Point resident’s Marsha Hale’s famous white lights. Unlike at Bentleyville, while at Glensheen when you get cold outside, you may go inside end enjoy Duluth’s Downton Abbey Christmas Display! The mansion is truly decked out for the holidays both inside and out.

Here are some photographs I took Monday evening at Glensheen. One final note, growing up both my wife and I always wanted to live down on the shores of Gitche Gumee just like Chester Congdon. Now older, and a few years wiser, we like our home 800 yards inland on Amity Creek across from the The Deeps waterfall. We are somewhat protected from the lake’s cruel winds!  🙂

Christmas Lights at Glensheen



Molly and Rich

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