Tag Archives: MN North: Duluth

A Snowy Owl Thanksgiving!

After my early pre-dawn escapades trying to track my local Great Horned Owls, I decided to go Snowy hunting after the sun rose. I had heard an immature male was in the area, but my previous attempts to find the owl have been to no avail. Thankfully, this Thanksgiving morning, a dive bombing crow gave me directions to my friend.

Today’s clouds actually kept the Snowy Owl alert well past sunrise. As photographers the temptation is always to zoom in for the closest image, but I think I like some of the pics best that are backed off and show the environment.

Eventually my owl fell asleep. I definitely was NOT perceived as a threat! LOL.

Snowy Owls and Ships!

I love to work the “dark side”! This fact means I am often out and about before sunrise, or getting into position before dark. Given Snowy Owls have returned from way up north to winter on the Arctic Riviera here in Duluth, I visited Superior at sunset. The Richard Bong regional airport and its surroundings is a great place to see Snowy Owls. Approximately 45 minutes before sunset the owls wake up and get ready for their evening hunt. Check out the tops of light posts and signs near the airport while looking for Snowies. A drive through the Tri-State fair grounds right across from the airport is always a good idea.

I took this photo last night just before sunset.

After some time with Snowy I drove over to Skyline Drive in Duluth. Prior research via my Marine App indicated the Michipicoten (ore boat) would be arriving in Duluth at 5:30 pm (one hour after sunset). I knew the Bentleyville Christmas lights turn on at 5:00 pm, and thought the combination of the Michipicoten steaming into the harbor would make a nice holiday image!

First of the Year Snowy Owl

15 minutes before sunrise, I struck paydirt! November 15th is a bit early to find a Snowy Owl in the Duluth area, but who is complaining. It was a great morning. Taking a photograph this long before sunup is a bit challenging. Thankfully owls tend to often sit very, very still. Even with a rather motionless subject and an ISO setting of 1,600, I could only get an exposure setting of 1/40th of a second. However by sunrise the owl was calling it quits for the day and no longer hunting.