What can I say. As always it was cold yesterday. The morning started out at my house at -13F. However, conditions like these insure that owls like to find some sun in the daytime. Assuming a perch is protected from the wind, roosting in the sun is a most desired activity.
Boreal Owl! You can tell that I kept my distance, and only used my zoom lens. The Boreal was happily asleep in the sun. It’s front was warmed by the golden rays of the sun, and it was also protected from the wind. This image is important to show. Even though a Boreal Owl is one of the rarest owl finds in North America, and obviously I would have preferred to photograph the bird with open eyes and showing some personality, no image is worth pushing a bird. This owl needed sleep, and I respected that fact. 
At sundown, as shadows stretched across the ground, this Snowy Owl moved high for the same reasons. It wanted to feel the waning rays of the sun. It would not hunt till after sundown.
Today I could not find either owl. I tried! It was overcast and there was no reason to sit out in the open. Perhaps tomorrow when the sun shines again I will get lucky.