I returned to the Pelican Beach fields early this morning. My primary target were the “Butcher Birds” (aka Loggerhead Shrikes) which I had seen two days ago. The clouds cleared and I was rewarded with quality time with this duo. Why named a Butcher Bird? Although not bigger than a robin, they catch mice, songbirds and insects. Upon capture they often swing their prey till its neck brakes. If hunting is real successful the Loggerhead Shrike will impale extra dead prey on the barbs of barbed wire. Kind of sounds like a real butcher. I am used to seeing this bird’s northern cousin, the Northern Shrike.
Given my location, I obviously spent time watching all the Burrowing Owls. When one hopped up onto a post, I was lucky enough to see the owl fly into a palm tree. Otherwise I never would have seen the owl in the palm.
Burrowing Owl … Standing … On a Post … in a Palm Tree
Finally, lots of Monk Parakeets nest in the ballpark lights.