I took Molly up to the Babcock Webb Preserve early this morning for our bicycle ride. As noted in a prior post, the five mile paved road in the park makes for a delightful 10 mile round trip ride in a beautiful natural environment. Molly ride 20 miles which I only did 10 such that I could stop and bird / photograph.
3 miles into our ride we came across a lifer for me … Sneetches w/o Stars! Even the non birder would get excited with this sighting. I know my readers rely upon me to give good factual birding information, and while others might believe these birds were Great Egrets (over 30 feeding in one marshy field), I knew better … Sneetches!!!
In this image I caught three Sneetches (YouTube Story Link) looking for their stars, while one danced in joy. Perhaps it has seen Sylvester McMonkey McBean with his Star On and Off Machine?
Here are more images from the Sneetches’ morning, including a “student body take-off”. I had spent 20 minutes gaining the confidence of the birds and getting closer, when one car came by and caused the take-off. However, within moments they all landed once more within 40 yards of my position. (in the take-off images you will find White Ibis, Glossy Ibis, Little Blue Herons in addition to the Great Egrets)
In addition to Sneetches, I found this flock of White Ibis taking care of the morning preen in a dead tree just across the river.
Finally, in closing, I photographed this Little Blue Heron (immature) in an extremely nice, artistic pose / location.