Tag Archives: Montana: Glacier National Park

Days 223 to 225: Road Trip Birds

Molly and I have reached the Glacier National Park area which is where will start our own Glaciers to the Sea self – supported bike tour. The past few days have seen us drive over 1,400 miles to our bicycle starting point. Obviously a 365 day project means while on the road I still had to get my daily bird photograph. Molly was great in terms of understanding that at a moments notice anywhere from Minnesota to Montana I might slam on the brakes and pull over to the shoulder in search of my bird … whether it was a red-tailed hawk hunting from a power pole or a killdeer hanging out in a prairie dog down. Thus, I bring you “road trip birds”

Day 223: Red Tailed Hawk



Day 223: Trumpeter Swans



Day 224: Killdeer and Prairie Dog



Day 225: Feed Me! (Cliff Swallow)
