Damp Day at the Photoshoot!
I left shortly before dawn on my bicycle for today’s planned birding photoshoot. I had noticed while bike riding yesterday afternoon what appeared to be real good belted kingfisher territory. A pond had some small dead trees in the water which appeared to provide the perfect ambush spots for a hungry kingfisher.
- Good news: A kingfisher agreed with me.
- Bad news: Unexpected rain got me, the kingfisher and a hawk rather wet.
I suspect the kingfisher did not mind the extra water, but the hawk and I were not thrilled. You will be able see the individual drops of water on the railing in the red-shouldered hawk photo! I had hoped the belted kingfisher would move closer and use some trees near me, but at least he did not hang out on the far side of the pond. Oh well, the the life of a photographer!