Tag Archives: MN North: Jean Duluth Road

Days 362 to 364: Countdown Birds

Yes … I am in the final countdown to having completed 365 straight days of taking at least one bird photograph every day. As we have neared the completion of my goal, the pressure has mounted. Birds get increasingly hard to find during the northern Minnesota winter, and thereby photographic opportunities decrease. Given I want to take a good and interesting photograph I have become slightly paranoid about this project. My hours dedicated each day to birding have rapidly increased. Here are the last three days in preparation for tomorrow’s grand finale!

Day 362: Night Owl! (Northern Hawk Owl at Dusk)


Day 363: Mallards … Fearless or Foolish? (last freighter of the shipping season)


Day 364: Adult and Immature Bald Eagles at Lester River
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Day 358: Windblown Birds!

The sun was out today, but the wind was gusting to 25 mph. Given the late afternoon temperature almost reached freezing I went birding after going Nordic skiing at Brule, Wisconsin. Although the wind was really buffeting around all the birds, I actually found the northern hawk owl hunting at Kelly J’s. I’ve included a video on the wind blown bird!

Windblown Northern Hawk Owl & Black-Capped Chickadee
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Video of Kelly J’s Owl

Day 357: Attack of the Killer Redpolls!

Attack of the Killer Redpolls!

My Northern Hawk Owl at Kelly J’s is back! During our severe cold snap, but bright blue skies, I had swung by a couple of times …. no dice. Today I saw our friend hunting both early this morning, and at dusk. I think my owl likes the warmer weather. Unfortunately the Common Redpolls did not like having the owl around, and eventually a flock of 25 redpolls forced my owl to seek some solitude deeper in some pine trees!

Dawn Attack!


Evening Hunt!