Tag Archives: MN North: McQuade Harbor

Berry Birds of the Northland

During September and October I often drive the backroads of Minnesota looking for Mountain Ash, Crabapple and believe it or not … Buckthorn Trees. While these fruit trees may be devoid of birds in the Fall, I know these locations will “bare fruit” (sorry for the pun) both in the winter, and early Spring.

Today I found Pine Grosbeaks in a crabapple tree. A few days back it was Bohemian Waxwings gorging themselves on buckthorn berries. While the Minnesota DNR for understandable reasons despises buckthorns, fruit eating birds would beg to differ. Thus in the winter I check back at fruit trees, and in the Spring these same trees will attract birds with their blossoms (the blossoms of some fruit trees are edible, and the same blossoms attract bugs).

Both of these birds have been a somewhat difficult find this winter, which is why my Autumn pre-work is important.

Pine Grosbeaks

Bohemian Waxwings

Bohemian Waxwings means it is NOT Hawaii!

I know I always enjoyed eating at the Clearwater Grill right next to McQuade Harbor. Well, this morning 200+ Bohemian Waxwings showed they agreed with me. The birds were on both sides on Scenic 61, in the pine and fruit trees.

Oh yes … a touch colder birding in NE Minnesota. In Hawaii two days ago it was 78F. Only 90 degrees colder this morning. Twas -12F when I left my house!

These sea turtles were definitely NOT next to Lake Superior! Seen four days ago on the west side of the Big Island of Hawaii.

17 Spruce Grouse! (and a Red Morph Screech Owl!)

Did I forget to mention the Phainopepla … in northern Minnesota, not in the Desert southwest of Arizona??! (first ever sighting in Minnesota). Yesterday was a day of birding I will not forgetĀ  for a looonnnnng time.

I had been birding well north of Two Harbors where I saw 17 Spruce Grouse, including a flock of ten birds! When I got back into cell phone coverage area there was a voicemail from my wife, who definitely is NOT a birder. She was bicycling up the North Shore when she noticed a lot of folks near McQuade Harbor with cameras and binoculars. She stopped to ask what they were seeing, and voila! … A Red Morph Screech Owl, and a Phainopepla.
In the afternoon I in turn went cycling over to McQuade Harbor and was rewarding with better views of the Phainopepla! What the heck is a bird from the desert southwest doing on the shores of Lake Superior?! The Phainopepla was just up the shore (about 20 yards) in the trees by the shut-down motel near McQuade Harbor.

The Red-Morph Screech Owl

The Spruce Grouse (video link for email subscribers)

The Phainopepla (near Duluth, Minnesota … not Tucson)