Tag Archives: MN South: Medicine Lake

Cavity Nesters

I took a hike this morning in area that has mature old trees with lots of cavities. I wondered whether I would find a newly nested Barred Owl family … Nope! However I saw this male wood duck way up high courting his lady love. She was behind him and blocked by many, many branches. Love is in the air (and the trees … and the cavities)

The Environment


Does she hear me?!

I’ll try again … Quack!

Wood Duck Courting … The Movie (web link for email subscribers).

Please note I was quite a distance from this duck. It demonstrates just how well I am able to zoom in utilizing my Canon Sx70 (and a monopod for stabilization). I only use optical zoom (not digital) and the 35mm equivalent is 1365 mm. The Woodie is definitely quacking but I am too distant to pick the sound up with my camera’s microphone.

A Barred Owl for Grampa!

So … I was sort of bummed yesterday and today because Snowy Owls had finally made an appearance in the Duluth area. However, our daughter and her family had self-isolated such that my wife and I could visit her family … including four of my six grandchildren.
I wasn’t really bummed, but I was jealous of my friends who were watching Snowies all this weekend. Anyhow … about 50 minutes ago my oldest granddaughter came inside from playing and called out to me: “Grampa: There is an owl in the yard! Do you want to see?!”
Umm … my winter jacket was on in less than an instant. Watching this Barred Owl hunt with my daughter, grandchildren and wife was extra special. It was already past sunset, but given the location … I know this owl will hunt this frozen pond again real soon.

Turkey Time

I am jealous of my friends who are hanging out with Snowy Owls, which have suddenly arrived in northern Minnesota. However, when your daughter and her family are willing to “self-isolate” in order to allow Molly and me to have a safe visit, birding should play second fiddle(and it did). I photographed this turkey during a few snow flurries this afternoon as the gobblers visited my daughter’s house. Notice how there is no snow on the ground here in southern Minnesota. Strange.

We head back north tomorrow, and I will be out searching for Snowy Owls.  Perhaps this turkey knows my family plans to have prime rib for Christmas dinner. Thus, we are safe!