Tag Archives: MN South: Medicine Lake

Trumpets on Ice!

The winter without snow continues including much warmer temperatures than normal. Here in northern MInnesota we have turned into a skater’s Mecca. Conditions are night last week were perfect for forming lake ice, and the world has turned out to skate for miles on end on glass smooth lakes. The lack of storms has slowed down the push of predators to road sides. In fact, many birds which would normally be long gone by now have hung around taking advantage of no snow, and ice free pockets on lakes (normally where streams flow into lakes). The Trumpeter Swans were enjoying some shallow water with available food this morning.

Signs of Spring?

Although there is still lots of snow on the ground, the temperature reached the mid 40’s here in Duluth yesterday. While I know there are still snowstorms in our future, the birds are beginning to get into spring patterns. Lending an ear while outside will result in hearing woodpeckers drilling to announce their territory, and chickadees are now giving their mating call. In fact, Hawk Ridge started their annual spring hawk watch yesterday.

Here on Amity Creek I now have Slate-Colored Juncos and American Goldfinches visiting my feeders (they have been absent since late December). Along with Bald Eagles, these birds are our early migrants. Over at Sax-Zim Bog, there have been sightings of Snow Buntings winging their way back to Arctic. Via my “Ask the Outdoorsman / Naturalist” link (top menubar), Jeannette L. asks whether the hawk seen by her neighbor could have been a Cooper’s Hawk. The answer is “yes”. It helps that I know Jeannette lives over in NW Wisconsin. Spring comes almost three weeks earlier in that area compared to the boreal forest in NE Minnesota.

NW Wisconsin includes mixed deciduous forest while NE Minnesota is an evergreen pine forest. In addition, here along the North Shore of Lake Superior and inland, winds out of the south often come across the cold waters of Lake Superior (not true in NW Wisconsin). Once the snows have melted in Wisconsin I often bird the grasslands along Wisconsin Hwy 13. I know from personal experience that I will see returning birds in this area long before my fine feathered friends show up near my house. Check out my “Wisconsin Wetlands” birding locations to learn more. Perhaps you’ll see my out and about!

In addition to paying attention to the different kinds of habitat up here in the Northland, I spent some fun time down south in the Minneapolis area over the weekend. Yesterday morning I went hiking at dawn, and the birdsong was amazing! My walks were in the NW suburbs which are 180 miles south of my house. The temperature differential during the winter is often over 20 degrees, and one is definitely out of the Boreal Forest.

As I started my walk, I enjoyed hearing many, many cardinals singing to greet the sun. This particular individual posed in a tree full of buds.

After enjoying the cardinals, I hiked over to the Great Horned Owl nest which I discovered one month ago. The male Great Horned Owl was out enjoying the sun. I was actually dumbfounded to find him out in the wide open (think crows). However, apparently we all like the first warmth that heralds a new spring.

Northland Return!

The Northland welcomed me home with a burst of snow. I welcomed the white stuff which made the trees nicely flocked. The owls even welcomed me back and during our short stay at my daughter’s house each morning I heard a pair of Great Horned Owls hooting their love song (these owls will nest within the next week or two). I accepted the owl’s call, and found them the second morning ten minutes before sunrise (off trail hike through deep snow required). I also found a flock of cardinals, but try as I might … they refused to give me a classic pose (building in the background).

Great Horned Owl just before Sunrise

Northern Cardinal

Finally, here is a “repost” from the Friends of Sax-Zim Bog, which is the wilderness area where I volunteer.  While the words are not my own, I 100% agree with the message. While we welcome all the visits to the Northland, it is important not to “overlove’ our birds.

The Sax-Zim Bog is home to 5 species of nesting owl, but our most recent visitor is not among them! This Boreal Owl has recently been seen frequenting the Admiral Road Feeding Station. This bird, as well as the Barred Owl at Winterberry Bog, have drawn the attention of a number of visitors lately and that number will only go up this coming weekend. Here are a couple of tips for viewing owls, so we can avoid unduly stressing them as they hunt at a difficult time of year:

1) Keep noise levels low. All owls, especially Boreal Owls and Northern Saw-whet Owls, are auditory predators that rely on their ears to find prey under the snow. Too much noise will disrupt their hunting success. A study by Mason et al. 2016 showed that for every decibel increase in sound, Northern Saw-whet Owls hunting success decreased 8%.

2) Keep a respectful distance. Owls have a number of signs to show us they are being disturbed, especially through their posture and behavior. The owl in the photo is rousing (ruffling its feathers). This behavior, plus relaxed eyelids, lets us know that the bird is relaxed. Signs of distress include wide open eyes, compressed head feathers, and opened bill or bill clacking. If you notice an owl showing these behaviors, take a step or two back. Spotting scopes are a great way to view birds from a distance. If you are willing, set up your scope and encourage others to view the bird from a distance.

3) The welfare and safety of all wildlife comes first, and our photos or videos come second. Every time. Considering the location of this bird, we as observers should also consider our safety, as Admiral Road is a well traveled road. Let’s try and be good neighbors to those folks living in the Bog, as well as the birds.

If you are interested in learning more about safe owl or wildlife observation, we have information on our website at the bottom of the Birding the Bog tab. Also, here are a couple of other great resources to get you started on interpreting owl behaviors:

  • https://saxzim.org/birding-the-bog/
  • https://www.internationalowlcenter.org/respectful_observation.html
  • https://artusobirds.blogspot.com/2014/12/signs-of-stress-in-owls.html