Tag Archives: MN North

Hidehiro Otake: From Japan to the Minnesota Northwoods

Ready for am excellent read about nature / wildlife photography? (the images in this case are NOT what is important)

I originally learned about the amazing journey of Hidehiro Otake via an article in Perfect Duluth Day. Knowing essentially nothing about nature, let alone wilderness, Otake was inspired by a dream about wolves and came upon Jim Brandenburg‘s book, Brother Wolf. For most of us, the story might end at this point, but Otake who had recently finished school was dissatisfied with a potential life in urban Japan. Knowing nothing about wilderness or photography, but wanting to experience “brother wolf” and learn photography, he bought an airline ticket from Tokyo to Minneapolis. Otake’s goal was to reach Ely and the Northwoods and meet Jim Brandenburg. Only there were a few problems; Jim Brandenburg was not expecting Otake (or even aware he existed), nor was there any means of reaching Ely via public transportation (let alone Brandenburg’s remote cabin on the edge of the BWCA).

Remember I said it was an amazing journey? Otake eventually met Brandenburg, started a lifelong friendship and lived on his land near Ely for a few months. In addition, he was introduced and became friends with Will Steger, the famous Ely based explorer who has trekked to both poles by dogsled. Years later Hidehiro Otake is one of the best Japanese nature photographers.

As a fyi, Otake does not have a large presence in North America (understandable), but is well known in Japan. I felt this blog post expanded our horizons. Folks should really read Otake’s five part story. You will learn that most anything is possible if you follow your dreams! When I learned that one of Otake’s first published works was a young children’s piece, I just had to reach out to the gentleman! We are now in contact.


Thanks for everyone’s kind comments. great questions and your love of the outdoors with a major emphasis on birds. A few minutes ago my blog hit an epic number … 325,000 page views! It is gratifying to see your response and lets me know my non commercial approach to presenting the glory of nature is worth my investment of time. Thank you for your continued loyalty.

A reminder …

  • You may download any of my children’s books at no charge
  • My images are freely available for private, non-online, non commercial use

Enjoy September … as a naturalist / photographer this starts my favorite season in the outdoors.

Arrowhead 135 Winter Ultra Marathon

Monday morning at 7 am, the Arrowhead 135 started in International Falls. It is now 11:30 am on Wednesday, and competitors (hike, bike, ski) are still out on the 135 mile course to Lake Vermilion. Since the start of the race it has never been above zero. Right now it is -28F, which does not include windchill. This is one of the hardest races in the world. Nature is unforgiving, and the wilderness trail only brings the racers out to a logging road a few times. Specialized equipment is required to start the race, including an extreme weather sleeping bag and gear. If a participant does not finish with all this winter gear, they are disqualified. I spent the last few days watching and photographing the race. My race photographs will appear early next winter in the Lake Country Journal.

Here are a few images which define the race … and oh yes … back to birding. I found a Snowy Owl hunting this morning. When the bird flew down to this perch, I knew the morning hunt was over. The perch was in the sun and protected from the wind (-28F and 20 mph wind made for a -59F windchill). I did not spend much time out of the car!

Arrowhead 135 Start

Checkpoint #1 (17 miles into the race)

Checkpoint #2 (70 miles into the race … arriving during a snow squall)

The Finish (snow / frost encrusted head … breathing device sticking out)

This morning’s Snowy Owl!