When the tide goes out and reveals tidal mud flats in Grays Harbor near Westport, Washington, shorebirds appear. My best birding spot was actually at Brady’s Oysters! This establishment which has a small restaurant, a seafood grocery store, and their own fishing / crabbing / oyster fishing service was the place! During non business hours shortly after sunrise I asked and received cheery permission to walk their boat launch (crushed oyster shells provided a firm walkway out on to the tidal flats). I then positioned myself and just waited for some of the thousands of shorebirds to walk over to where I was standing, which they did!
Black-Bellied Plover and Black Turnstone
Western Gulls (juveniles are brown)
Later in the afternoon I discovered a huge flock of Marbled Godwits (thousands of birds) at the Westport Harbor. I was surprised to make a good bird ID, as I had only seen Marbled Godwits twice in my life.
Marbled Godwits
It’s now time to fly home … and enjoy a snowstorm!