Tag Archives: WI North: Richard Bong Airport

Lake Superior Snow Buntings! (Yr. 2: Day 17)

Snow Buntings, guests from the Arctic Ocean where they spends their summers, are beautifull small birds which visit northern Minnesota in the winter. Minnesota is their winter warm climate destination, not Florida. Quite frankly, they are true snowbirds!!!

There are two difficulties when trying to photograph these birds:

  1. Snow Buntings are hard to find
  2. Snow Buntings are small and spook very easily

Today, in what can only be described as miserable conditions (freezing drizzle and 35 mph winds), I hit the jackpot! I found a small flock of snow buntings, and after over 40 minutes of trying, was able to maneuver within fifteen yards while they rested after their morning feed. Approximately every minute I had to stop and clean the accumulated frozen sleet off my camera lens. However, the results were worth the effort!

Snow Buntings of Lake Superior!
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Now Visiting from the Frozen Tundra! (Yr. 2: Day 16)

It may be hard to imagine that some birds consider the winter climate in northern Minnesota warm, but that is truly the case! Today I had the pleasure of seeing not one, but two visitors from the frozen tundra. Both of these birds summer and raise their young on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. I’ve also included three photos I took this afternoon 50 miles up the Lake Superior shore from Duluth. Perhaps these birds understand that Lake Superior is a bit like the Arctic. Take a look!

Snow Bunting


Hoary Redpoll


Ice Waves on Lake Superior
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Year 2: Just Another Northwoods Morning! (day #12)

Hmmm … what do I love about northern Minnesota? While I could list a huge number of reasons, I will let a few photographs do my talking. Winter is a season to be embraced, not feared. Out before dawn in cold weather (0F, -15C), the day only became better as it proceeded. Take a look:

A Snow Owl is silhouetted against the sunrise


Conga Line dancing ducks at Duluth’s Canal Park


Mid morning hike up one of the French River waterfall with friends.

Winter means one can explore the North Shore using trails not available in the warmer months! The streams and rivers provide access to back country which can not be reached at other times of the year.