Tag Archives: WI North: Richard Bong Airport

Day 356: Share a Snowy with a Friend!

Today dawned -18F in Duluth, Minnesota (about -23C) not including windchill. When things warmed up a touch, I took three friends over to my Snowy Owl stomping grounds in Superior, Wisconsin. Although it was way past sunrise, which often means the snowies are hard to find as they are resting after a hard night’s hunting, we were pleased to find one beautiful male owl perched in full display. Two of my friends had not seen a snowy owl this year, and one never. Thus, it was fun to “share a snowy with a friend”!

On the way over to Superior, we also walked out to the end of the old 1890 Interstate Bridge and watched an Algoma Central freighter breaking through the ice. In short, we “older” boys had fun watching huge chunks of ice being broken! Smash / Crunch / Boom! (see the photo)

Snowy Owl on display for my friends!


Breaking ice in the Duluth / Superior Harbor

Day 345: Snowy Birds of the North

The temperature is now falling to around -12 each night, but our northern snow birds which come south to enjoy Duluth’s balmy winter climate don’t seem to mind too much. Thus, today I bring you both a snowy owl at sunrise” and a few “snow buntings”.

Sunrise Snowy Owl


Snow Buntings

Day 343: Lord of the Night!

One purpose of a “365 day photography project” is to get oneself out of your “comfort zone” and try new things with your camera. Thus, I decided to greet the new year on the first day of 2015 with a challenging assignment: Photograph a snowy owl at night without the use of a flash. The initial difficult part of this effort is one must find an owl. Although the moon was very near full, and providing lots of light, in reality the night is still quite dark. Thankfully, during the over the past few weeks I have learned the favorite hunting perches of some snowy owls. Thus with a bit of luck and pre-work I actually found two snowy owls. One bird was kind enough to pose for having its portrait taken in the moonlight. An additional benefit to this photo-opp site was a flood light which was about 40 yards away from the owl, and provided light in addition to the moon.

Lord of the Night (owls)!


Like any good boy scout I was prepared for failure in my snowy owl night photography quest. Thus, I had a “bird in reserve” which I had photographed just before sundown … this bluejay. After all, on day #343 I would not have wanted to break my year long string of bird photos should I had not been able to find an owl … a distinct possibility!

Bird in Reserve Blue Jay