Tag Archives: WI North: Richard Bong Airport

Day 343: Lord of the Night!

One purpose of a “365 day photography project” is to get oneself out of your “comfort zone” and try new things with your camera. Thus, I decided to greet the new year on the first day of 2015 with a challenging assignment: Photograph a snowy owl at night without the use of a flash. The initial difficult part of this effort is one must find an owl. Although the moon was very near full, and providing lots of light, in reality the night is still quite dark. Thankfully, during the over the past few weeks I have learned the favorite hunting perches of some snowy owls. Thus with a bit of luck and pre-work I actually found two snowy owls. One bird was kind enough to pose for having its portrait taken in the moonlight. An additional benefit to this photo-opp site was a flood light which was about 40 yards away from the owl, and provided light in addition to the moon.

Lord of the Night (owls)!


Like any good boy scout I was prepared for failure in my snowy owl night photography quest. Thus, I had a “bird in reserve” which I had photographed just before sundown … this bluejay. After all, on day #343 I would not have wanted to break my year long string of bird photos should I had not been able to find an owl … a distinct possibility!

Bird in Reserve Blue Jay


Day 339: Golden Hour Birds

Have you ever heard the term “golden hour” photography? Basically the term means the hour immediately after sunrise, and the hour before sunset. During this time period the light is soft, and colors are enhanced. In Minnesota during the winter, our golden hour is actually much longer than 60 minutes for the simple reason the sun does not get all that high in the sky.

Yesterday I made to birding excursions. All the photos were taken during the golden hour. The light and the resulting photographs were fantastic!

Goldeneyes in the Duluth Harbor
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Katie’s Snowy Owl! (she had been showing my snowy owl photos to the 4th grade class she teaches. Thus it was fun to taken her and Erik on a successful owling expedition.
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One More Snowy Owl

Day 335: Christmas Eve Northwoods Raptors

One reason I love living, working and playing in the Northwoods is I am able to spend special mornings with nature. I awoke this morning to an unheard of event … breaks in the cloud cover. After our 18 day run of clouds, rain, fog and snow (1 sunny day), I got excited and drove over to my Snowy Owl stomping grounds. I wanted to arrive at sunrise, and see if I could watch some owls in the early morning light. I was treated to not one, but three different snowy owls. One ever posed for me on the baseball scoreboard with the early dawn light in the background!

After the snowies decided it was time to snooze, I was not willing to end my time in the sun. Thus, I drove well north of Two Harbors, Minnesota and was again treated to a great sight. Four bald eagles and a ton of ravens were making a huge noise while they fought over breakfast.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Rich Hoeg (me), the NorthStarNerd.

Bald Eagle Christmas & Happy Holiday Greetings
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Snowy Owl Christmas & Happy Holiday Greetings
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