Tag Archives: WI North: Richard Bong Airport

Crescent Moon Snowy Owl

For the first time in four days the sun came out yesterday, and after all of our nasty weather, I hoped our local Snowy Owls might come out before sunset. Basically I thought these birds would be hungry, and that state of being will occasionally make nocturnal owls hunt before sundown. Molly was nice enough to drive me over to Superior, and we arrived at 3 pm … 90 minutes before sunset. I was wrong! The Snowies were sleeping, and showed no signs of waking up till just a bit before the golden orb dropped below the horizon.

With all that said, it was a magical late afternoon / early evening. As we were driving home post sunset I spied a beautiful almost sheer white male Snowy Owl. Females have more dark barrings in their plumage as camouflage for when they nest on the ground up in the Arctic tundra. As I was walking back to the car after photographing this bird, I turned to look at the male Snowy one more time. Uff dah! My new position revealed I might be able to photography the owl in front of the crescent moon. Yup!

Crescent Moon Snowy Owl

My earlier vantage point for this Snowy had been utilized to maximize what little light was left in the sky … the sun was down but still behind me. I pushed up the ISO to get some nice photographs.

Snowy Owl (male) at sunset

Same Owl … grooming at sunset

The other Snowy Owl I saw was this nice female. While taking photographs of the bird in the setting sun, I made the mistake of glancing down. I wanted to change camera settings as I suspected the Snowy would finally fly to its first hunting perch of the evening. Right idea, wrong execution. By the time I glanced back up 10 seconds later, the owl was gone. Given the wings of owls make zero sound, it’s silent flight did not alert me. I had been watching this owl off and on for over 30 minutes. I have no idea where it flew. Oh well … seeing two Snowy Owls in one evening is special.

Snowy Owl (female) just before sunset

Snowy Owl Ready for Take-Off

A good pilot always checks the wind speed and direction before take-off!
(photograph taken just before sunset this evening).

In addition, some very news from my eye doctor appointment today …

The prospect of going blind is very scary, and for the past few months I have been dealing with that strong possibility. When outside I was more often than not essentially blind. This morning I saw one of the top eye doctors in Minnesota, and discovered I have a rare neurological / eye disorder where my eyes are not communicating properly with my brain. Better yet, a treatment exists which should stop this nerve communication problem from occurring (not cure). My doctor is confident my treatment will return me to a normal life. Thus, Molly and I are cautiously optimistic that the new year will be very good. The treatment involves deadening certain nerves with Botox (essentially snake venom). Medicine is amazing. Learn more if interested … Blepharospasm.

It was a celebration today for me to find and photograph this Snowy Owl. I am already on new medication which is only manufactured at one location in Minnesota. Thank you for everyone’s kind words and prayers. Please keep me in your thoughts this Christmas season, but the trend is positive for the first time a long while. Happy Holidays.

The real treatment with the Botox does not start till next month. Thus, we have hope but it’s still a waiting game.

A Superior Snowy!

They’re back! Duluth / Superior Snowy Owls! Best late afternoon / evening’s entertainment in December … owling followed by Bentleyville. I will admit it was a touch cold just before sunset this evening. I spied the owl from a distance, and then found a spot to park my car. The Snowy was kind enough to sit tight while I hiked 1/3 of a mile in the -1F (-15F chill factor) conditions. The owl then let me take photographs for over five minutes before moving on to its next hunting perch. By the time I got back to the car, I was cold … but happy!

Posing for me

Snowy Owl Take-Off