Tag Archives: MN North: Sand Lake Pine Forest

Boreal Forest Birding at 5F

Deer hunting season ended yesterday! With the hunters out of the woods I drive north into the Pagami Creek Forest Fire Region. I had wanted to visit this wilderness area before snow made the 18 mile logging road impassable. Upon arriving at Tomahawk Road I was pleased to discover the hunters had driven the road post blizzard and packed down enough snow that my Subaru Outback could venture into the deep forest. Arriving at sunrise I was presented with a Winter Wonderland. The storm from a few days ago had plastered the pines with ice and snow. Even though it was cold this morning (5F), there was not an ounce of wind. The scene a beautiful. Thus began a few hours of exploring this remote wilderness.

On the way home as the temperature climbed into the 20’s I discovered hundreds of Pine Grosbeaks alighting on Lake County Hwy #2 to find gravel for their gizzards. Thankfully, this road receives very little traffic and I was able to take a few photographs. One of my favorite birding locations is the abandoned railroad a few miles south of Greenwood Lake. This location did not disappoint with many birds including Canada’s new nation bird, the Grey Jay … also known as the Canada Jay. It beat out the Common Loon and Canada Goose. The jay was considered the underdog, or should I say underbird.

Here are a few of the Pine Grosbeak images from this morning

A Failure to Communicate!
y3-m11-sand-river-pine-grosbeak-01-disagreement y3-m11-sand-river-pine-grosbeak-02-disagreement y3-m11-sand-river-pine-grosbeak-03-disagreement

Gravel Getting
y3-m11-sand-river-pine-grosbeak-06-roadside y3-m11-sand-river-pine-grosbeak-07-roadside-trio


My Subaru and another view off Tomahawk Road (10 years older than me!)
tomahawk-trip-road-subaru tomahawk-trip-road-sign

Dawn Reflections

Canada’s New National Bird … the Grey Jay!

Winter Reprise: Snow Buntings and Spruce Grouse

When God gives you lemons, make lemonade! It was with this thought, and an overnight low of -9F (-23C) fifty miles north of Two Harbors that made me decide that since Spring will not come to northeastern Minnesota, it was time to enjoy some Winter birding! Thus, at 6 am I drove north to the wilderness area between Ely and Isabella in the Superior National Forest. Once the sun rose above the horizon, the extreme cold meant I had beautiful deep blue skies. Thankfully the cold weather was not partnered with wind. In short it was a great day to be alive and enjoy the wilderness, but would the birds cooperate?

Shortly after sunrise and while the temperature was the aforementioned -9F, I stopped to take this photograph of the Cloquet River. The streams and rivers have open water where some current exists, but it will be weeks before the lakes experience ice out.


For over two hours I never saw another car. This winter wonderland (albeit in mid April) was mine to enjoy alone! Unfortunately, the birds decided that the cold weather meant delaying breakfast was an excellent idea! Finally, two hours after sunrise, breakfast was in session. I particularly enjoyed watching flocks of snow buntings as they worked their way along the roadsides on their trip back to northern Canada. At one point I found a lone snow bunting and was able to spend some quality time with this individual bird (snow buntings in a flock spook so very easily). In addition, in the same stretch of road near Sand River, I found two Spruce Grouse, a rare treat!

I did try and drive into the Pagami Creek Wildfire Area. This burnt out region is know for neat birds and wildlife as its environment experiences a rebirth. However, five miles along the logging road I had to give up and turn around. The snow was starting to exceed one foot deep. Getting stuck deep in the wilderness would not have been a good idea.

Here are some of my photographs and a video from this morning. In addition, I’ve included a pic of a fox sparrow. These birds understand one should not migrate north of Duluth. My house is only 1/3 of a mile above Lake Superior which means “no snow” and food for foraging birds. Head another mile inland and snow takes over the world.

Sand Lake Snow Bunting and Spruce Grouse
Y3-M04-Sand-River-Snow-Bunting-2 Y3-M04-Sand-River-Spruce-Grouse-1


Snow Bunting Video


Amity Creek Fox Sparrow

Black Friday Birding

As Thanksgiving Weekend 2015 ends, I feel obligated to tell about how my wife and I went “Black Friday Birding” in northern Minnesota! Neither of us are shoppers, and Amazon Prime is a great tool which delivers in two days to our doorstep. When Black Friday dawned with deep blue, crystal clear skies, we could not resist a trip to the store.

However, in our case we decided a trip to the store meant a trip via backroads to Ely, Minnesota near the Canadian border. Yes, we braved the crowds of Ely to purchase Steger Mukluks. Will Steger is an explorer who wore his own mukluks to the Arctic and Antarctic. The boots are rated to -20F. Bring on the cold Minnesota winter!

Oh yes … we did see some pine grosbeaks and some bald eagles. Life is good. Enjoy the photos. New York City this ain’t!

On our way to Ely … stopped at Stoney River


Buying our Mukluks … note all the crowds on the sidewalk
Steger-Store Boots


This Bald Eagle approved of our Black Friday expedition