Tag Archives: MN North: Sax-Zim Bog

Boreal Bird Bonanza!

After essentially a two winter absence, the Boreal Chickadees are back at Sax-Zim Bog. While these birds are seen at the Warren Nelson and Winterberry Bogs, my real favorite spot is the Welcome Center for Boreal Chickadees (see below images on where to find).
Boreal Chickadee
I don’t normally post feeder photographs, but this image helps point out how different the Boreal Chickadee is from the Black-Capped.
Hike Gray Jay Way (easy walk / well packed snow) for about 1/3 to 1/2 mile. At the end of your walk, there is a bench. Just to the right of the bench (a couple of yards away) is one small suet feeder. The Boreal Chickadees were visiting the suet often this morning. I also saw Gray Jays / Canada Jays and Pine Grosbeaks at this exact location. The birds treated me like I did not even exist … landing within feet of me. Finally, there is also a very large flock of Evening Grosbeaks at the Welcome Center.

Canada Jay / Whiskey Jack / Gray Jay

Evening Grosbeak

Pine Grosbeak

Beating the Pandemic!

This Pandemic rots. I obviously don’t need to tell anyone that fact, but it still rots big time. Here in northern Minnesota folks may think we might be challenged in finding ways to safely get together with friends. Not true! Winter and cold temperatures are only a problem should you choose to have a defeatist attitude. Thursday evening Molly and I got together with good friends … safely and outdoors. We sat outside, wearing our long underwear, and enjoyed a roaring fire plus good fellowship. My friend Jon has even built snow walls to protect against the winds blowing in off Lake Superior. In total we sat outside for over 3 hours in 20+ degree weather. I was never cold! (warm chili and a glass of wine helped). I hope everyone else is “beating the Pandemic”. (remember … Molly has her own blog)

Obviously for me, in addition to outdoor gatherings in the northern Minnesota Winter, birding helps beat the Pandemic. Over the past few days I saw this Barred Owl, and quite a few Great Grays.

Hoar Frost Birding … Winter Wonderland!

Honestly I did not head out yesterday morning looking for owls, but there are so many Great Gray Owls around this winter they found me! My primary goal was to enjoy the winter grosbeaks at the Sax-Zim Bog Welcome Center. I did find a huge number of both Evening and Pine Grosbeaks, but I will admit my treat for the day was watching owls hunt in the frosted environment.

Once it gets a little closer to dawn, I am heading out to enjoy the hoar frost. Unlike yesterday when it was cloudy, the night skies are clear right now. Blue sky on white hoaar frost? Uff dah! The world was white yesterday morning but with wonderful interlaced color.

Great Gray Owls (multiple birds) in Hoar Frost

Welcome Center Grosbeaks (Evening and Pine)