I drove over to Sax-Zim Bog yesterday to end 2020 in terms of birding. My target birds in this order were: Evening Grosbeaks and Pine Grosbeaks. Blue Jays were not even on my radar … too common! It just shows if photography is your goal, you have to “go with the flow”. My photo opps for either kind of grosbeak were limited (know where to go now), but did 5 blue jays put on a show for me. It is always interesting to observe that while 99% of Blue Jays migrate south each fall, a few hearty souls stay north and thus will have first pick of habitat next spring for mating.
In addition to the snow flocked pines, the hoar frost was amazing yesterday. The end result is I skipped my planned afternoon and after a short intermission, went out owling yesterday afternoon. I needed to be outside deep in the forest. More on that excursion later!
The other target birds … Evening and Pine Grosbeaks
Who says there is not any color in the snow flocked Boreal forest!