Tag Archives: MN North: Sax-Zim Bog

Blue and Gray Jay Day in the Bog!

Officially, the Gray Jay was renamed to the “Canada Jay” a bit over one year ago, when this bird became the national bird of that nation. However, Canada Jays do not respect Pandemic border closures and live year round in northern Minnesota. I still like the name “Gray Jay”. This bird also has the name “Whiskey Jack” and “Camp Ground Robber”!

This Blue Jay decided its northern cousins should not get all the attention! However, Mr. Blue was chased away by several Gray Jays from the carcass upon which they were feeding. Grays before Blues!

It was a nice morning in the Bog … starting out at 7F … rising to 22F with lots of sun.

Sax-Zim Bog Short-Eared Owl!

Short-Eared Owls are not normally what one finds in the Bog, but today was not normal. Early this morning I read via the Bog’s Telegram App that a Short-Eared Owl has been spied (my thanks to Mike Hendrickson who runs this service … see the Facebook Group named Sax-Zim Bog if you wish to join the sightings group). Even though I had two hours worth of appointments, when those were finished I dropped everything else for the day and drove over to the Bog (45 miles). Short-Eared Owls are very nocturnal and I knew there was a good change the bird if not flushed would not move till sundown. Jackpot!

Short-Eared Owl

My favorite pic …

In its environment

A closeup

Most of the time the owl was sleeping as seen below, but when a truck drove by the owl woke up and glared at the vehicle (above pics)

Look Left

Look Right

After a great time with the owl I drove down McDavitt. I found over 40 Evening Grosbeaks feeding at “the Zabin”, and this heavily camouflaged Ruffed Grouse.