Tag Archives: MN North: Sax-Zim Bog

Mud House Building Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow Mud Collecting!

This is the one time of year a person might see Barn Swallows on the ground. While out watching warblers yesterday, I saw some Barn Swallows on the wing. Given it has been very dry in northeastern Minnesota, I told a friend who was birding with me to watch this puddle. I knew both given there are very few puddles around (dry conditions) and the time of near (mating), the swallows would land and get mud as building materials for their nests. We were not disappointed!

Birding is Dangerous!

Yup … that’s me after yesterday’s trip to the owling grounds. In addition, there is a long gash underneath the left sock from a day earlier. While, I am obviously okay this particular fall was quite painful. If you are like me and tend to go birding, bicycling and Nordic skiing in remote places, quite often off trail … a bit of caution is useful.

In my case, Molly always is able to track me via Google Location Sharing. I posted on this subject one year ago. I have privately shared my location with real time updates with Molly via Google. I even tested whether Molly could truly determine my correct location. I hiked into remote areas in northern Minnesota which I could identify via landmarks in Google Satellite View. We then determined by my making a quick phone call to Molly and she taking a screenshot whether my location was reported correctly. Our family also owns a Garmin InReach GPS real time tracking via satellite with messaging capability for even more remote areas. Learn more via my previous posts:

Google Location Sharing is free assuming one has a mobile phone. The Garmin Inreach required purchasing their device and paying a small monthly fee. Here are both a Garmin and Google screenshot showing Hoeg family use. I strongly recommend both of these services. Most people will not need the Garmin satellite service … just us folks who live and recreate in the middle of nowhere!

Sunshine Owls!

Sun returned to the Northland today, and cold weather. I made a brief trip up to Sax-Zim Bog and the temperature bottomed out at 10F (-12C). Given the strong winds out of the Northeast the past few days, there has been little to no migration northward. Other than one lone Wood Duck, I saw almost zippo.

Thankfully upon returning home, I was able to take a hike and visit my owl family. Although the air temperature was still brisk (20F), everyone was basking in the sun. Twice I saw Poppa Owl chase crows away from the nesting area. In addition, one of the little guys popped up and allowed me a brief photo. I’ll take another hike over late this aftenoon when the sun angle will be more in my favor.

Great Horned Owl Chick

Poppa Owl

Sax-Zim Bog Wood Duck

New Life in the Northland!

I was lazy this morning. Rather than getting up to Sax-Zim Bog at sunrise (about 6:50 am), I did not even leave home till 7:10.  I decided today would NOT be a morning to hang out with Great Gray Owls (shortly after sunrise these birds call it quits till near sundown). Instead I was hoping some Spring weather patterns might bring early migrants.

While I was somewhat successful, the number of birds in the Bog was small. I finally found this pair of Trumpeter Swans at the only open water present, and that was not much (about 30 x 100 yards at an outlet to a lake). When another flocked of swans flew overhead these two birds made it obvious more swans was not a desirable outcome. This was their territory.

Upon getting home I took my daily hike over to my Great Horned Owl family. It is amazing to see how fast the owlettes are growing. This youngster posed for me with Mom. No problem maintain my social distance. I was by myself the entire time.