Tag Archives: MN North: Sax-Zim Bog

Sandhill Cranes at Sax-Zim Bog

Summer in Sax-Zim Bog is delightful. While I will enjoy watching my Great Grays hunt on dark cold days this winter, right now I am enjoying the summer sun. Here are a few photographs from yesterday’s expedition … from the departing thunderheads a bit before sunrise to these Sandhill Cranes about an hour after sunup.

These two cranes hang out in the meadow about 800 yards south of Sax Road. Shortly after sunrise they walk over to the railroad tracks along Hwy #7 which Is where I almost always find them. Perhaps they light to eat taconite (spilled along the tracks)!?

Sax-Zim Bog Summer Sunrise Great Gray Owl (videos)

It stormed last night. Some severe thunder storms raced through the region. Even later in the night it still rained lightly off and on, but when I work up at 4:30 I noticed it was clear outside. I was  in my car by 4:45 am and driving to the Bog. I figured owls might hunt past sunrise given the storms and rain had limited their options last night. I was not disappointed. Immediately upon entering the Bog just before 6 am I found a Great Gray Owl which I have been watching off and on for the past ten days.

Parking my car over 200 yards away from the bird, I proceeded to play Red Light / Green Light with the owl. Eventually the owl let me close to within 30 yards and watch it hunt for almost 45 minutes. Life is good! Even the mosquitoes and horse flies were not too bad.

I took over 500 images, and six videos. I will only force you to watch two movies, and review ten photos (LOL!). After spending four hours in Sax-Zim Bog I came home and bicycled 20 miles along the North Shore of Lake Superior … what a morning! I love the Northland.

Great Gray Owl Photographs (you will notice that in many of the images I have NOT zoomed in … wanting to show the owl in its environment)

Videos (stretching and preening)(video 1 | video 2)

Crab Apple Blossom Birding Reprise!

Same exact tree … different birds (see my Indigo Bunting and Chickadee photos!).

Cedar Waxwings love to eat apple blossoms early in the spring. It is worth learning where the flowering fruit trees are in your own neighborhood. These trees a bird magnets in every season.

Now if you think my comment about today being “early” in the spring, while that might be a wrong statement for where you live, scroll down to see this morning’s temperature in Sax-Zim Bog)

Cedar Waxwings Eating Crab Apple Blossoms

The Temperature in Sax-Zim Bog this Morning

No Owls Were Found!

Follow me, Rich Hoeg, on Instagram.