As we experience the snowiest February in recorded history here in northern Minnesota, one color dominates the scene … white! Whether it is in the early evening as one shovels snow for the umpteenth time, or watching my favorite male Snowy Owl north of Duluth, the color is white.
Male Snowy Owls become progressively whiter with each additional year. The females and juveniles have black markings. Thus, I figure this guy is in his prime!
Today I am experiencing another kind of white … white out! Molly and I are up in Ely covering the Wolftrack Classic Sled Dog Race. While there is some snow in the air, the wind is howling like crazy (along with the dogs).
I did learn a new fact today. While sled dogs are not exactly quiet while waiting to start a race, the moment the dogs are hooked up to the sled, pandemonium breaks out. These dogs want to run. In order to insure the team does not go anywhere before their alloted time to approach the starting corral, every team was hooked up to their musher’s truck with no exceptions. These dogs are born to run!
Photos to follow … with lots of white! Time to head out to the Boreal Forest and take some race photos amongst the snow encrusted pines!