After three days of snow, ice, rain and finally extremely high winds, when I saw that the weather forecast contained calm winds (under 3 mph) and thin clouds I knew this morning was a great one to be Bog bound. The last few days had been horrible if you are a bird which hunts by hearing voles running beneath the snow. Owls had to be very, very hungry.
By sunup (behind the clouds) I arrived at Sax-Zim Bog. Within moments I found my first Great Gray Owl, and then for the next 90 minutes I watched owls hunt till it was finally time for their mid day siesta. I then left the owling grounds and drove over to the Warren Nelson Bog where I took a short hike and saw Boreal Chickadees, a Northern Shrike, and two Black-Backed Woodpeckers. By 10:30 I was on my way home … wow … what a great morning of birding.
Oh yes … did I mention the skies cleared very briefly and I even managed to take a few photographs with a blue sky background. Life is good.
Great Gray Owls at Sax-Zim Bog