Tag Archives: MN North: Split Rock State Park

Day 086: Peaceful Good Friday Morning on the North Shore

I arrived at Split Rock Lighthouse twenty minutes before dawn this morning, and for the next two hours plus enjoyed a peaceful Good Friday morning enjoying God’s majesty. For this entire period I never saw another human being. It was me and the beauty of the Northland.

The conditions could not have been more perfect. After our storm of two days ago which dumped 8+ inches of new snow on the region, this morning was crystal clear with not even the slightest breeze. The temperature had fallen to 25F overnight. Thus, I was able to walk across the snow’s crust giving me easy access to fun and beautiful places.

After two hours hiking and photographing in Split Rock State Park, I drove south to Two Harbors, Minnesota where I captured today’s bird photograph … the latest in my Lighthouse and Birds Series!

I hope these photos taken Good Friday morning provide you some peace and enjoyment.

Two Harbors Breakwater Lighthouse


Split Rock Lighthouse
Split-Rock-Dawn-1 Split-Rock-Dawn-2



Split Rock Point