Tag Archives: MN North: Stony Point

North Shore Birding

Need  a quick birding fix and in the Duluth area? At this time of year I love driving the Two Harbors Expressway in search of hawks up to the Stoney Point area, and then take Alseth Road to the shore (birds pile up on Stoney point during migration). I drive home on Old Superior Street (starts at McQuade Road). Most folks don’t even realize that there is another road between Scenic 61 and the Expressway. Total miles driven round trip from Lester River are only 15, and during migration there can be all kinds of surprises.

While not a surprise, I enjoyed watching this Red-Tailed Hawk hunt near Stoney Point.

Red-Tailed Hawk Take-Off

When I got home, a visitor came to my yard in search of leftover birdseed on the ground. Wonder what the buck is saying to me? (photo take from my window seat in the living room)

Lady Slippers, Lupines & Wile E. Coyote

It is gorgeous here in northern Minnesota, and as noted previously, it is time to get out in the countryside and enjoy the wild flowers. The lupine are now blooming even on the shores of Lake Superior. This morning while doing some “Grampa scouting” I watched this Coyote looking for breakfast. Yesterday’s rain meant the forest and fields are sopping wet, which one can tell by looking at the wolf’s fur!

Wile E. Coyote at Stoney Point

Sunrise yesterday morning found me cycling the Suomi Hills. The Showy Ladyslippers are coming into their own. Taking a bike ride will insert you into this explosion of color! If you want to see thousands of Lady Slippers, follow these directions:

  • Drive Mn #38 north from Grand Rapids
  • Drive west on Itasca Cty #48 and park at Suomi Lutheran Church. By parking at the hill you avoid the hills I included in my bike ride!  🙂
  • Bike 10 miles round trip from the church to a wetlands and back. At five miles out you will get to the wetlands are on both sides of the highway. You will see thousands of ladyslippers during the two miles leading up to the wetlands. There are lots of other wildflowers. Roses and Daisies are at their peak.

Showy Ladyslippers

The View of Lupines from my own Dining Room (the Grandkids and Greg G. love the rocking horse!)

Grampa Scouting Definition: A gent of 63 years old whose two oldest grandchildren will be visiting next week. Both kids have expressed a desire to go birding with Grampa. I know a successful birding excursion is somewhat short on the birding side, and ends with doughnuts. I was at Stoney Point looking for a merlin’s nest.

Do Birds Use Clairol Feather Coloring?

Does she or Doesn’t She? Only her hairdresser knows for sure! Growing up in the 1960’s this was a famous advertising campaign slogan for Clairol hair color.

Today was another dark and dreary day in the Northland. I found a Red-Tailed Hawk at Stoney Point on Lake Superior. Look at the two images. They are actually the same photograph. Hmmm … did I use Photoshop Elements?

Watch the TV commercial from the 1950’s!

I don’t normally do much post processing, but I really wanted to see some blue skies today! Believe it or not, while working on my computer to add blue skies, this Sharp-Shinned Hawk visited my yard … minimal post processing for these two images.