The full moon rose over Lake Superior yesterday evening just before sunset. Practicing my best lazy boy photography methods, even though I had researched many great places to photograph the full moon rising over Gitche Gumee within various 45 minute drives, I decided to just pop down to the shore of the big lake which is 800 yards from my house. This started nine hours of photography on Lake Superior! I found the Lesser Yellowlegs from their southern migration at 6:15 am which ended my ten hours!
The freighter, American Century, steams under the full moon ...
Morning Mergansers (sunrise at Stoney Point)
Lesser Yellowlegs on Minnesota Point (forms the Duluth / Superior harbor)
The middle of July … warmth … thunderstorms … wild flowers. The -30F temperatures of January seem like a fleeting memory. Perhaps that extreme cold never happened! Here are three photographs I took over the past few days that define summer!
Thunderheads! (The site location is Stoney Point, and this fisherman’s shack is one of the most photographed sites on the North Shore. While watching thunderheads scream by out on Lake Superior, I knew I needed to combine the two images into one photograph)
Turk’s Cap Lily’s (Went birding the other morning … thick fog. Who cares?!)
Sparrow Hawk / American Kestrel (Got lucky. Heard this bird screaming, and managed to find some undergrowth in which to hide. Kestrels spook very easily)