Tag Archives: MN North: Two Harbors Highlands

Listening to the Weather

Before yesterday morning it had been almost a week since I had looked for Great Gray Owls. Although these owls thoughts will soon to turn to love, and they will retreat deep into the forest away from areas where they might me viewed, it still did not make sense to go birding for them. Since last Sunday the winds have been strong, which means the Great Gray Owls tend to conserve energy and wait for better hunting conditions. Loud winds mean these owls are not able to hear their prey running underneath the snow.

However, yesterday morning dawned with almost totally calm conditions. I immediately made the decision to go out owling and was rewarded with finding two owls out hunting long past daybreak. I heard from friends that one owl was seen hunting into the afternoon. Hunger is a great motivator.

Great Gray Hunting a bit after Sunrise (video link for email subscribers)

Upon getting home I hiked over to my own owls, the Great Horned Owl couple. At this point not much will happen till the eggs hatch, but I do enjoy the nightly singing / hooting easily heard from inside my house.

My Great Horned Owl Family (male in the tree, female on the nest)

A Trifecta of Great Gray Owls

Spending time in the woods alone without another human for miles with hunting Great Gray Owls is magical. However with our horrible cold snap, thankfully now ended, I had not been out looking for the gray ghosts of the forest in over two weeks. Spending time standing motionless in the forest experiencing temperatures of -10F to -20F is NOT fun.

Friday evening I headed north of Two Harbors to my personal favorite owling grounds. I had expected bright clear blue skies, but God had other ideas. The heavens clouded up which although better for finding owls (they tend to hate bright light), makes photography more of a challenge. In addition, a blue sky is prettier than white.

Great Gray Owl #1

I was wrong. The owl eventually flew 200 yards distant and posed with an opening in the clouds right behind it. The artist in me loved the photo.

Yesterday morning I continued my owling. Although the mercury had dipped to -16F (-27C), there was no wind. As the sun rose everyone … owl and human alike could feel the warming rays of sunshine. Although Great Gray Owls normally don’t hunt in the bright sun, I found two out long past sunrise enjoying the weather.

Great Gray Owl #2

Great Gray Owl #3

Unexpected Birding Pleasures: Black Billed Magpies

This morning when I headed out birding I never expected such success. I was just happy the temperature was above zero … not by much (1F or -17C). Major heat wave! For the past two weeks every morning has -20F or worse. Thus, you should understand why I was so happy to be out birding in warm weather!

Given the bright sun and reflections off the snow, I felt it was foolish to look for Great Gray Owls. Instead I visited the crabapple farm. This old farm with all its fruit is a bird magnet in the winter. I did not understand how true this statement would prove to be, just not as expected. I also saw Bohemian Waxwings and Pine Grosbeaks at the farm.

I found four Black-Billed Magpies! If you examine the range map from the Cornell School of Ornithology, you will noted northeastern Minnesota is well out of the expected range. However, these birds have been extending their range east, and I occasionally see them a bit west of my home area in Sax-Zim Bog, but near Lake Superior???

The magpies were feeding on some kind of carcass. I will need to return when light is more favorable for photos (it was somewhat in front of me).