Tag Archives: MN North: Two Harbors Highlands

Snowbound! Waiting for Spring

By the end of February the birding picture here in northern Minnesota becomes tough. In fact, it takes both tough birders and birds to hang in there through our deep cold winter. However, when the birds become few and far between, it becomes “exploration time” for me in the wilderness. The Minnesota Arrowhead contains innumerable logging roads which snake their way through the Superior National Forest, and environs. The scenery is gorgeous even if the birds are sparse. This time of year allows me to discover good bird habitat which I then make plans to visit during warmer weather.

All is not black and white in the winter. If you know where to look, flashes of color appear in the forest which was the case with yesterday’s drive / hike in the Sax-Zim Bog. Should you actually be in the Bog tomorrow (Friday, Feb. 26th), stop by at the Welcome Center. I will be your host, and happy to give my latest birding intelligence.

My Morning CommuteCourtesy of the Civilian Conservation Corp.
Near Isabella, Minnesota
Isabella-Logging-Trail-1 Isabella-Logging-Trail-2


North of Two Harbors (Langley Truck Trail)


Stewart River Lake Superior Sunrise


Sax-Zim Bog Evening Grosbeaks
Y3-M02-Sax-Zim-Bog-Evening-Grosbeak-Male-3 Y3-M02-Sax-Zim-Bog-Evening-Grosbeak-Female


Sax-Zim Bog Porcupine

John Beargrease Sled Dog Race!

Had a blast today hiking into the forest and setting up shop along Dago Creek north of Two Harbors, Minnesota. The weather was crystal clear and warm (32F or 0C). For a few hours I watched sled dog teams race by from my vantage point on the frozen creek bed.

The John Beargrease Sled Dog Race runs from Two Harbors up to the Gunflint Trail, and then back down to Duluth, and is the longest race in the lower 48 states (400 miles). Many mushers use it as a tune-up for the longer Alaska Iditarod. Although our race may not be as fierce as Alaska’s, the racers can expect the temperatures to plunge below zero (-16C).

The race itself is named after and commemorates the Native American, John Beargrease, who first delivered mail and packages by dog sled team along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Learn more about the man.

Here are photos from my outing.




Canine Bird of the Day! (Yr. 2: Day 37)

Had fun north of Two Harbors this morning shortly after sunrise. Although I saw tons of pine grosbeaks, the real fun of the day was watching two timber wolves, and then this red fox a bit later. Seven photos ranging from the hunt … spitting up the hair ball … the stretch … to a full belly nap! Even though the temperature was -3F when I look this photos, the fox seemed warm curled up in the sun! The pine trees were providing an effective wind block to the northwest.

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