Tag Archives: MN North: Two Harbors

Transitions … Falling into Winter!

The sun finally made its rumored reappearance yesterday in northern Minnesota. As the mercury soared to 59F and I took my daily bike ride up the North Shore of Lake Superior on Scenic 61 basking in the warmth (and wearing shorts of November 1st!), it was hard to believe that in all likelihood by the end of this month I was be cross-country skiing. During my ride I saw some late blooming black-eyed susans, and even a few dragonflies. Weird!

The birds know that this weather is only a tease. The Northwoods have long since been emptied of summer songbirds. Instead snow buntings, visitors from the Arctic, some of our last migrants have appeared along our roadsides. On hwy #7 in Sax-Zim Bog, I watched a flock of 250+ of there white fluffballs forage for seeds. Thankfully, I found one lone errant snow bunting which allowed me to get closer for taking a photo.

A magpie forages in a farm field … Sax-Zim Bog

As sunset approached I took a quick swing up and back to Two Harbors. Hawks, particularly red-tailed and rough-legged hawks often use the large grassy areas along the expressway for some late afternoon hunting. Such was the case with this red-tailed.

Snow Geese: Blue and White Morphs!

A small flock of snow geese greeted my return from Europe! I knew from reading MOU posts that the Arctic birds were migrating though northern Minnesota, and I went out birding this morning in the hope of finding some feathered friends which were a bit unusual in terms of migrating through our area. I was rewarded with finding a flock of six snow geese on the Two Harbors golf course which included three distinct color variations among the birds (see below): Blue Morphs and White Morphs, and one mixed color bird. Very cool!

My travels this morning also yielded some bald eagles feasting on road kill, but I struck out on my search for an early season snowy owl. It was a good morning.

Snow Geese Morph Phases
Y2-M10-Snow-Geese-1 Y2-M10-Snow-Geese-2 Y2-M10-Snow-Geese-3 Y2-M10-Snow-Geese-4


Bald Eagle

Morning Reflections and Shadows!

Early this morning just after sunrise I drove up to Two Harbors and walked the shoreline. This made for two days in row with deep blue skies, and although the temperature was a brisk 35F for a later day in May, the wind was calm. In short, it was a great morning to be alive. If you’ve never walked the trail that snakes around the point which forms the Two Harbors harbor, I highly recommend it.

The warbler invasion of the Northland that occurred a few days ago is now over, but there are still a few birds migrating through northeast Minnesota. I found this Chestnut-Sided Warbler hunting the puddles along the shore. It was fun to watch this bird and take photos. At one point I had a Cape May Warbler alight almost in front of my nose and remain motionless on a tall stalk of grass. Warblers never remain still. I assume this bird really wanted its photo taken. I obliged.

I finished off the perfect morning with a trip to a local fox den. By this time it had warmed up into the mid 40’s and the kits were enjoying the morning sun!

Chestnut-Sided Warbler
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Cape May Warbler


Red Fox Kit